You Can't F*** This Thing Up ( Connection)

You Can't F*** This Thing Up ( Connection)


You can't f*** this thing up!.........No really, you can't.       

    Im not sure if you have realized this yet but spiritual connection is not like a "normal" relationship. You can't apply the same rules and get much of anywhere. That's because its based off of your spiritual and emotional growth. You could change the word connection to evolution or intimacy (in to me you see) even.  

   There are different kinds of spiritual connections ,however, evolution and becoming your true self is what they all have in common and each connection is just as important.  

   So, why can't you f*** connection up? Because its like school, once you learn what you need to, you go on to the next lesson and if your having a tough time, you will just repeat the lesson.  You won't know if this person is meant for you until you get through the lessons. The one exception to this rule is if you both are on the same page and its obvious in thier actions.  

   The thing about it is you can't control what will happen which is why you don't need to be perfect. What you can control is your awareness to how you are showing up. There are reasons why the 2 of you met in this lifetime. Find out what those higher reasons are, what the lessons are and purposefully work through them  within your connection and with others.   

      I personally have been through a few connections before I found the one who I am in aligment with. I thought each one of them was "the one" because of the intensity and also my belief systems. It took a few rodeos before I started to catch on and realize it wasn't about them, it wasn't about being perfect, or even missed opportunities. They were here to help me see myself  and release what was holding me back from living my life and from experiencing true love.   

    There is nothing that I could or should have done that would have changed what wasn't meant for me. When I look back, Im so grateful everything worked out just as it did. No regrets. Im grateful for every connection as its helped me become who I am today.

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